From: Friendship with God

Monday, November 16, 2009

From: Conversations with God

Thought control is the highest form of prayer. Therefore, think only on good things, and righteous. Dwell not in negativity and darkness. And even in moments when things looks bleak - especially in those moments - see only perfection, express only gratefulness, and then imagine only what manifestation of perfection you choose next.

Monday, September 28, 2009

From: Communion with God


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

From: CWG


Tuesday, July 28, 2009


When you forgive yourself for that which you and others are not, then you will experience that which you and others truly are. In that moment you will understand that forgiveness itself is not necessary. For who would forgive whom? And for what? We are all one.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


A Feeble Attempt to Describe the Feeling of Mergence with God:
Warmly Embraced,
Deeply Comforted,
Dearly Cherished,
Profoundly Appreciated,
Genuinely Treasured,
Softly Nurtured,
Profoundly Understood,
Completely Forgiven,
Wholly Absolved,
Long Awaited,
Happily Welcomed,
Totally Honored,
Joyously Celebrated,
Absolutely Protected,
Instantly Perfected,

Unconditionally LOVED

All At Once.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Religion, the one human institution which was supposedly created to bring you closer to God, have too often used superiority as their chief tool. "Our religion is superior to the other religion", many institutions have declared, thus doing more to separate human beings on the path to God than to unite them. States and nations, races and genders, political parties and economic systems have all sought to use their supposed superiority to attract attention, respect, agreement, adherence, power, or simply members. What they have produced by using this tool has been anything but superior.

Is the tulip superior to the rose? Are the mountains more majestic than the sea? Which snowflake is the most magnificent? Is it possible that they are all magnificent and that, celebrating their magnificence together they create an awesome display? Then they melt into each other, and into the oneness. Yet they never go away. They never disappear. They never cease to be. Simply they change form. And not just once, but several times: from solid to liquid, from liquid to vapor, from the seen to the unseen to rise again, and then again to return in new display of breathtaking beauty and wonder. This is life, nourishing life.

This is You!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

From: Communion with God


Friday, April 24, 2009

From: Home with God


Sunday, April 12, 2009

From: Conversations with God


Thursday, April 2, 2009

STILLNESS - From: Communion With God

In the stillness, you will find your true being. In the silence you will hear the breathing of your soul - and of God.

You will find God in the stillness.

Meditate every day. Ask yourself: Can you give fifteen minutes each morning and fifteen minutes each evening to God?

If you cannot, if you do not have the time, if your schedule is too busy, if there is just too much else that you have to do, then you have been caught up in the maya, in the illusion, more deeply than even you may have thought.
Yet it is not too late - it is never too late - to stop away from the illusion, see it for what it is, and use it to allow yourself to experience the Ultimate Reality of who you really are.
Begin by setting aside a tiny percentage of your waking hours each day - that is all it will take - to commune once more with God.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

From: Home With God

Religion was created by human cultures to assist those who are born into those cultures in knowing and understanding that there is an ever-present source of help in times of need, strength in times of challenge, clarity in times of confusion, and compassion in times of pain

Friday, March 6, 2009


One way to achieve being centered is to look into your own eyes in a mirror. This is an incredibly powerful tool. The trick is to not turn away if this deep looking becomes uncomfortable. If you are able to hold your own gaze for more than a count of ten, you will begin to experience such compassion and love for yourself that you will almost not know what to do with that feeling.
It could be very difficult for you to take in this feeling if you are not used to loving yourself-and most people, sadly, are not. Just be with the feeling and embrace it.

Continue looking deeply and more deeply into your own eyes. If you use a hand mirror, you can be sitting when you do this. Now all at once, after looking deeply into your own eyes for as long as you can, simply and quickly close your eyes-and be with the feeling that follows. Very often you will feel merged with the Essence. This could last only a moment-or for the rest of the day.

Monday, February 23, 2009

From: Conversations with God

Elevate addictions to preferences and preferences to acceptances

The next time you imagine that you need something, ask yourself:
"Why do I think I need this?"
It is freedom in seven words.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

From: Conversations with God

Feeling is the language of the soul.
"If you want to know what's true for you about something, look to how you're feeling about it."

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A simple meditation technique from Friendship with God

Start with the flickering of a candle. Look at the candle, look at the flame, see what you notice about it, stare deeply into it. Be with the flame. Don't think about it. Be with it. After a bit, your eyes will want to close. They will become heavy, fuzzy. Now, when it feels like you want to close your eyes, just close them. Don't think about it. Just let them fall shut by themselves. They'll do this quite naturally if you don't fight to keep them open.

you are now limiting your sensory input. This is good.

Now, begin listening to your breathing. Focus on your breath. Especially, listen to your breathing in. Listening to your self stops you from listening to everything else. This is when great ideas come. When you listen to your inbreath, you are listening to your inspiration.

Now, focus your inner vision. For once you have inspiration, it will bring you great "in-sight." Focus this insight on the space in the middle of your forehead, just above your eyes.
Place your attention there. Look deeply there. Don't look expecting to see something. Look at the nothing, at the no-thing. Be with the darkness. Do not strive to see anything. relax, and be content with the peace of emptiness. Empty is good. Creation cannot come except into the void. Enjoy, then, the emptiness. Expect nothing more, want nothing more.

If your mind keeps filling with thoughts, just watch that, make that okay. As the thoughts pop in, just step back and observe that this is happening. Do not think about it, just notice it. Do not think about what you are thinking about. Just step back and notice it. Don't judge it. Don't get frustrated by it. Don't start talking to yourself about it, like, "well, here we go again! All I get is thoughts! When do I get to the nothingness?"`

You can't get to the nothingness by continually complaining that you are not there. When a thought pops in-some extraneous thought about nothing in particular, having nothing to do with the moment -just notice that. Notice that, and bless it, and make it part of the experience. Don't dwell on it. It's part of the passing parade. Let it pass.

Do the same thing with sounds or feelings. You may notice that you never hear as many sounds as when you are trying to experience total stillness. You may notice that you never have as much trouble feeling comfortable as when you are trying to sit totally comfortably. Just notice this. Step back one level and watch yourself noticing this. Include all of this as part of your experience. But don't dwell on it. It's part of the passing parade. Let it pass.

In this will you find great peace. What a relief. Nothing to want, nothing to do, nothing to be, except exactly what you are being right now.

Let go. Let it be.

But keep looking . Not anxiously, not expectantly. Just . . . keeping a gentle watch. Needing to see nothing . . .ready to see anything.


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